#1 My Family

There is no way I could afford to live in Los Angeles on my own without the support of my parents. I am forever grateful that they invested in my education and gave me this exciting opportunity to go and study abroad. Thank you Bo Me!

#2 Vietnam

I was born in Vietnam. I will never forget my roots, my culture and the amazing upbringing I had. The friends, the school, the life I had back home. I feel incredibly lucky. I must have done something really good in my past life to deserve this current life that I have. I truly have the best of both worlds. East meets West. I love this way of looking at life. I think it’s beautiful to have Vietnamese values, cultures and traditions. It’s a big part of who I am and where I am today.

#3 My Sister

You are always there for me when I am feeling down and at my lowest. You have my back and you know everything about me. My fears, insecurities, dreams, desires and aspirations. You’re the only person I go to when I need advice and or a shoulder to cry on. I love you Christine. Je t’aime.

#4 My Car

Thank you for taking me everywhere in Los Angeles. Whether it’s going to the beaches, cafes, work, seeing friends. Thank you Camry. You save a lot of gas and you are such a reliable car and didn’t put a dent in my wallet when I bought you. You taught me the importance to save money, to be frugal and less concerned of what others think of me and what car I drive.

#5 Reading

I enjoy reading during the weekends. I find it fulfilling and fun. Books give me the chance to explore new worlds, ideas and way of thinking. It’s beautiful to read and have an appreciation for a deeper level of understanding. I try to read as much topics as I can. Including topics I might not be interested in. But by doing so I open myself to new ideas and experiences.

#7 Languages and Connection

I love languages. I love connecting with people in different languages, especially French. I have a gut feeling that in my past life I was in France. Whenever I visit my cousins in France, I just feel at home.

#8 Fashion

Fashion, manners and being put together will always be with me no matter where I go. My family raised me to be polite, well-mannered,  to respect elders and take an interest in other people’s culture and religion. I will never let those values go. Those values are so rare to find in people nowadays.

#9 My Past Relationships

Each relationship taught me something valuable about myself. Even when things ended and it was heartbreaking, it all served a purpose and shaped me into who I am today.

#10 Fitness

I am so lucky to be in sunny California where I can maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle. Going to the gym and lifting weights is something I absolutely make time for no matter how busy I am. I want to be the best version of Catherine Ha!

#11 Harvard Summer School

The best summer of my life. Some of my closest friends are from the summer school program. So lucky to remain friends with them until today. I can’t believe this was 9 years ago. Thank you Dad for helping me move into Thayer Hall 6th floor. All my friends called the 6th floor the “sauna room” because Harvard didn’t provide any fans to the summer students. How dare you Harvard! :p I studied Shakespeare and Law and Psychology.

#12 Loyola Marymount University

I’m officially an LMU alumni. Go Lions! The best 4 years of my life. The beginning was rough because I dropped out of Sarah Lawrence in NYC and had to start all over. But I felt like that was the Universe trying to redirect me to something better and meaningful. My favorite and memorable class from LMU was Spiritualism with Dr. Roy and Law with Judge Gray. I’ll never forget the time I went to a courthouse here in LA and got to see Judge Gray in action. I am so glad I took that class.

Hope you all are having a great weekend. Just writing this list made me so much happier. It reminded me of who I am and where I am from.  I am blessed to have so many opportunities and experiences. I want to continue to work hard and push myself even when things get uncomfortable. There’s a lot of beauty in darkness. Don’t give up.


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